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Till The Morning Comes

Grateful Dead

1. Till the morning comes, it'll do you fine
   Till the morning comes, like a highway sign
   Showing you the way, leaving no doubt
   Of the way on in or the way back out

R: Tell you what I'll do, I'll watch out for you
   You're my woman now, make yourself easy
   Make yourself easy, make yourself easy

2. Till we all fall down, it'll do you fine
   Don't think about what you left behind
   The way you came or the way that you go
   Let your tracks be lost in the dark and snow

R: Tell you what I'll do...

3. When the shadows grow, it'll do you fine
   When the cold winds blow, it'll ease your mind
   The shape it takes could be yours to chose
   What you may win, what you may lose

R: Tell you what I'll do...

   You're my woman now (make yourself easy)
   (Opakovat do ztracena)

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