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Louis Armstrong

A  F#7  Bm7/5-  Dm6  E7

A                 E7/5+        A7/9       D9
The evening breeze caressed the trees tenderly,
The trembling trees embraced the breeze tenderly.
Then you and I came wandering by,
Fdim F#m7     B7       Bm7/5- E7
And lost in a sigh were we.

A                E7/5+       A7/9     D9
The shore was kissed by sea and mist tenderly;
I can't forget how two hearts met breathlessly.
Your arms opened wide and closed me in - side;
Cdim      A       Fdim    Bm7/5-  Dm7/5-   Fdim  A  D9 Bm7/5- E7
You took my lips, you took my love so ten - der - ly.

(Instrumental Interlude: first verse)

A                 E7/5+       A7/9    D9
The shore was kissed by sea and mist tenderly;
I can't forget how two hearts met breathlessly.
Your arms opened wide and closed me in - side;
You took my lips, you took my love so ten - der - ly.

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