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Pink Floyd

   Em (D) (4x)
1. The path you tread is narrow and the drop is shear and very high
   The ravens all are watching from a vantage point near by  
   Apprehension creeping like a choo-train up your spine   
   Will the tightrope reach the end; will the final cuplet rhyme
R: And it's high time   
   It's high time  
   Please wake me
2. A butterfly with broken wings is falling by your side
   The ravens all are closing in there's no where you can hide
   Your manager and agent are both busy on the phone
   Selling colored photographs to magazines back home 
R: And it's high time...
3. The lines converging where you stand
   they must have moved the picture plane
   The leaves are heavy around your fee
   you hear the thunder of the train
   Suddenly it strikes you that they're moving into range
   and doctor Strange is always changing size 
R: And it's high time...
R: And it's high time...
   Sólo na Keyboard:
   Am  Bm (4x) C  F7M (4x) Em
   Em - 022000
   D  - xx0232
   Am - x02210
   Bm - x24432
   C  - x32010
   F7M - 133210 (použij palec)

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