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Pink Floyd

   Harmlessly passing your time
   in the grassland away                                            
   unease in the air
   You better watch out there maybe dogs about
   Well, I've looked over Jordan and I've seen
   Things are not what they seem                                                     
   What do you get for pretending
   the danger's not real
   Meek and obedient you follow the leader                                                   
   Down well trodden corridors
   into the valley of steel
   What a surprise, a look of terminal shock in your eyes
   Now things are really what they seem
   No, this is no bad dream

   The Lord is my shepherd
   I shall not want
   He makes me down to lie
   Through pastures green
   He leadeth me the silent waters by
   With bright knives
   He releaseth my soul
   He maketh me to hang on hooks
   in high places 
   He converteth me to lamb cutlets
   For lo he hath great power and great hunger   
   When cometh the day we lowly ones
   Through quiet reflection and great dedication
   Master the art of karate
   Lo we shall rise up
   And then we'll make the buggers eyes water 
   Bleating and babbling we fell
   on his neck with a scream
   Wave upon wave of demented avengers
   March cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream
   Have you heard the news
   The dogs are dead
   You better stay home and do as you're told
   Get out of the road if you want to grow old

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