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A Day in the Life

The Beatles

1. I read the news today oh boy
   about a lucky man who made the grade
   and though the news was rather sad
   well I just had to laugh
   I saw the photograph.
   he didn't notice that the lights had changed
   a crowd of people stood and stared
   they'd seen his face before
   nobody was really sure
   if he was from the House of lords.
3. I saw a film today oh boy
   the English army had just won the war
   a crowd of people turned away
   but I just had to look
   having read the book
   I'd love to turn you on.
4. Woke up fell out of bed
   dragged a comb across my head
   found my way downstairs and drank a cup
   and looking up I noticed I was late.
   Found my coat and grabbed my hat
   made the bus in seconds flat
   found my way upstairs and had a smoke
5. I read the news today oh boy
   four thousand holes in Blackburn Lancashire
   and though the holes were rather small
   they had to count them all
   now they know how many holes it takes
   to fill the Albert Hall
   I'd love to turn you on.

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