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Spicks And Specks

Bee Gees

Where is the sun  that shone  on my head 
the sun in my life  it is dead  it is dead 
Where is the light  that would play  in my streets 
and where are the friends  I could meet  I could meet 
Where are the girls  I  left all be  hind,
the spicks and the specks  of the girls  on my mind 
Where is the sun  that shone  on my head 
the sun in my life  it is dead  it is dead 

Where are the girls  I left  all behind 
the spicks and the specks  of the girls  on my mind 

Where are the girls  I left  all behind 
the spicks and the specks  of the girls  on my mind 
Where is the girl  I loved  all along 
the girl that I loved  she's gone  she's gone 
All of my life  I call  yesterday 
the spicks and the specks  of my life've  gone away 
All of my life  I call  yesterday 
the spicks and the specks  of my life've  gone away 

Spicks and specks,
spicks and specks,
spicks and specks,
spicks and specks.

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