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Gipsy Kings

Pienso che un sueno parecido
no volvera mas
y me pintaba las manos
y la cara d'azul
y de improviso el viento rapido me llevo
y me hizo volar en el cielo infinito.

Volare oh oh
Cantare oh oh
Nel blu dipinto di blu
felice di stare lassu

Y volando, volando feliz
yo me encuentro mas alto
mas alto que el sol
mientras el mundo se aleja despacio
despacio de mi
una musica dulce tocada
solo para mi

Volare oh oh
Cantare oh oh oh oh
Nel blu di pinto di blu
felice di stare lassu

will not return again
and it painted my hands
and unexpectedly the wind carried me fast                                                                   
and made me fly in the infinite sky.

To fly oh oh
To sing oh oh
In the blue painted blue
happy to be up there

I find myself higher
higher than the sun
while the world slowly, slowly gets farther
away from me
a sweet music played
only for me

To fly oh
To sing oh oh oh oh
In the blue painted blue
happy to be up there.

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