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A Boat Like Gideon Brown

Great Big Sea

1. Oh Gideon lived across the bay,
   He's getting older now.
   His boat is big and bold.
   She has a stalward bow 
   But my father's boat was second hand,
   One someone used before,
   And after every fishing trip
   My father always swore;
   That someday he would save enough
   To go to St. John's town.
   And buy himself a big new boat,
   A boat like Gideon Brown.
   A Boat Like Gideon Brown.

R: 'Cause she can punch the head in any gale
   And ride the fishing grounds.
   I often thought how pround I'd be
   In a boat like Gideon Brown.
   In a boat like Gideon Brown.

2. Many years did pass away
   And Dad began to fade.
   He didn't talk of boats too much,
   He said "Son I'm afraid"
   If things don't soon improve
   Then I'll be underground;
   Before we ever get to see ourselves,
   In a boat like Gideon Brown.

R: 'Cause she can punch...

3. I sat and held his hand one day
   And he said "Son, that policy"
   The insurance is all in your name
   You're the beneficiary
   And when I'm gone they'll pay you off.
   Then go to St. John's town
   And buy yourself a big, new boat,
   In a boat like Gideon Brown.
   In a boat like Gideon Brown.

R: 'Cause she can punch... (2x)

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