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A Foggy Day/in London Town

Louis Armstrong

I was a stranger in the city;

Out of town were the people I knew.

I had that feeling of self-pity --

        Bmi         Bmi7       Bm7/5- E7
What to do? What to do? What to do?

The outlook was de - cid - ed - ly blue;

But as I walked through the foggy streets alone,

 It turned out to be the luckiest day I've known.

A foggy day in London town 

G   Gmaj7 Gmi7 Gm6  A7/6 A7 D9
Had  me low had me down.

 I viewed the morning with alarm;

    Gmaj7        E9          A6/9      D9
The British mu - se - um had lost its charm.

How long, I wondered, could this thing last?

Cdimi    G     Gmi7      Gm6  A7/6   D9
But the age of mir - a - cles hadn't passed,

    Dmi7        G7   C9       A9/5-
For sud - den - ly I saw you there --

And through foggy London town

    C6       Emi7   A9 Ami7  D7     G - Gmaj7 - D7 - G7  C7  D7
The sun was shin - ing ev' - ry - where.

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