Under neath the s ky of r ed
C/F G Ami 7E7
Is a storyteller sl eeping al one
He has no f ace and he ha s no na me
And his whereabouts are s ort of unk nown
All he needs is his li fe ln a suit case
And as we drink to our selves
We'll amu se ourselves
Underneath the sky, underneath the sky ag ain
Underneath the sky ag ain, ag ain
So wish me aw ay to an un known pl ace
Am I living in a la nd with no na me
I'll be making a st art with a br and new he art
Stop me making se nse ag ain
All we needs is our li fe ln a suit case
And as we drink to our selves
We'll amu se ourselves
Underneath the sky, underneath the sky ag ain
Underneath the sky ag ain, again, ag ain, ag ain, ag ain